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Teambuilding canoeing trips, and why is it better than other outdoor programmes?

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For even half a day!
We do our canoeing tours with four person canoes or one person kayaks that have a special teambuilding value. Unusual situations redound independent thinking, develop self-confidence and bring forward hidden skills. Build trust within the team members and challenge problem solving abilities.

This is nothing new, that’s why teambuilding programmes were invented!

What’s different when canoeing: on a teambuilding water trip we don’t use artifical obstacles. The river itself challenges you, makes you sober-minded and compels teamwork. That is how it becomes real. Other speciality: once we left the shore we have to make it all the way. It is well-balanced, still creates a situtation where passengers feel they have to give teir best.

For beginners, too! 75% of our passengers have never sat in a canoe/kayak before

Further factor is paddling itself: four paddlers have to work at the very same time to make the canoe move. Shortly after departure you are all going to feel confident about it, still: it is real harmony, just like dancing – with very simple steps. We learn how to pay attention to each other while working.

We need four active participants. This way those who normally prefer staying behind have to become real members of the team as well. We keep changing the positions in the canoe, which teaches a dynamic balance, meaning everyone learns to ask and pay attention when really necessary.

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Canoe touring unites factors that everyone knows and loves one by one: summer, water, lively activities, good company, adventure, light sports, Nature and relaxation.

During other outdoor activities excitement plays the main role. We did enough of white-water rafting to know: this formule lacks something. Excitement and adventures only start building the team – evening atmosphere and smalltalk by the fire are that do the real job. We give ground for both.

We work in pristine environment with outstanding experience about human nature with over 2500 passengers having canoed with us.

Within an hour from Budapest if you like – for even 80 participants

Canoe touring is much safer than other extreme outdoor programmes, with equivalent feeling of adventure. Also more intense together as it usually lasts longer. And – important or not – also for a better price.
We don’t lack comfort either: quality accomodation, tasteful meals, experienced, kind and helpful guides work for our programme.

Our motto is “switch off your mind”. It means we shop, cook and arrange everything for you. Rent bus, buy tickets, transport canoes and your belongings and guide you to unknown waters.
Feel the FUNshine!

See the rivers here

Quality Standard


Gárdonyi Zsolt

Evezz Velem Egyesület - Address: Magyarország 1119 Budapest, Halmi utca 6/B. Tel.: +36 30 600 9782 E-mail: