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Tibor Szalai | "Tibi"

Szalai Tibor

I started dealing with sports only a few years ago. Thanks to Zsolti and to a change in my lifestyle I can be a member of the Evezz Velem Team.

As a child when my parents taught me how to swim there was no way for me to grow to like water. When I was twelve my friends pushed me into the Tisza River so I was bound to get to the shore somehow. Now I know that thanks to them I grew to like water, because the first swimming lesson was impressive enough to let me buy my first canoe a few years later.

What I really like in this team is the honest selflessness and the way people help each other from the heart. I fancy meeting new people, helping wherever I can. Above all this, Evezz Velem enables you to exercise as well.

Viewing it from the inside I can honestly claim that with the Evezz Velem Team anyone is able to complete a tour, without age-sex-or weight barriers!

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Evezz Velem Egyesület - Address: Magyarország 1119 Budapest, Halmi utca 6/B. Tel.: +36 30 600 9782 E-mail: